Welcome to Bridges of Indiana's Blog!

Welcome to Bridges of Indiana's Blog!

Founded in 2000 by a mother who has a child with autism, Bridges of Indiana is an agency that provides services for individuals with disabilities as well as the aging population. These services include residential services, community habilitation servicse, respite services, music therapy, recreational therapy, behavioral management, and employment services. Bridges of Indiana primarily performs these services in the home and in the community. Dedicated to providing quality services, this agency believes in individualism and independence.

This blog will be used in several different ways; to update the disability population on Indiana legislature, provide informaiton to Bridges of Indiana employees, give insight into the agency, along with several other important information.

Friday, July 1, 2011

What Does BOI's Therapeutic Services Have to Offer?

Bridges of Indiana is a certified Medicaid Waiver Provider and provides an array of services to children and adults with disabilities.  In addition to Respite, CHIO, and Res Hab, Bridges of Indiana has added a new Therapeutic Services department. This department can provide therapeutic services in the comfort of your own home or at our therapy center.  Here are the following services we offer:

Behavior Management Services:  This service is provided by a certified Behavior Specialist who holds a Master degree in social work. Bridges of Indiana is committed to Scientific Based Behavior Modification for support and non-aversive interventions that accurately reflect the needs of the individual.  Our agency will use a Multidisciplinary Team approach in providing a variety of interventions and replacement behaviors to highlight the consumer’s strengths and needs. Our focus is on the person and the underlying factors surrounding the challenging behavior; not the behavior itself.   

Music Therapy:  This service is provided by a board certified Music Therapist trained to use various forms of music and instruments to promote self awareness, social interaction, and positive emotional expression.  Music Therapy can make the difference between withdrawal and awareness, isolation and integration, or demoralization and dignity.  The Music Therapist uses Active and Passive therapy methods dependent upon consumer needs and abilities.

Recreational Therapy:  Recreational therapy improves and maintains physical, mental, and emotional well being.  This service is also provided by a degreed, certified Recreation Therapist.  Recreational activities provide access to the opportunity to achieve or fail at activities that have long been denied to individuals with disabilities.  Recreational therapy can reduce stress, help recover basic motor functioning and reasoning skills, and build confidence and social skills.

Bridges of Indiana is committed to providing quality, therapeutic services to children and adults with disabilities.  If you are interested in our therapeutic services please feel free to contact Gina Soulier, Therapy Program Manager at therapies@bridgesofindiana.com  or visit our website www.bridgesofindiana.com  for more information.  At Bridges of Indiana, we are all about quality comprehensive services.

Gina Soulier

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